100,000 Whites flee anti-white South Africa as over ten times more Africans arrive from Africa, DESPITE “xenophobia”

An estimated total of 95,158 whites have left South Africa since 2011, according to a new Statistics SA report released on Thursday.

According to the 2015 mid-year population estimates, in the same period 1,067,937 Africans and 40,929 Asians migrated to South Africa.

The figures took into account total departures and total arrivals over the period.

Statistician-general Pali Lehohla, speaking at the release of the 2015 mid-year population estimates in Pretoria, suggested that while Stats SA had not done any migration studies, it could be assumed the estimates were influenced by employment opportunities.

“It can be assumed and working from theory, migrants tend to go where there is employment and looking at the age structure of Gauteng, you can conclude reasonably well it’s because of the supposed job opportunities that are there, that migrants are coming in,” he said.

Touching on white migration, Lehohla said there was a trend among white children,